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Bali Family and The Meaning of Putu, Kadek, Komang, and Ketut

Hello, my name is Putu Felisia, and this is my first blog entry. Putu's name immediately conjures up images of something. Yea, this is a pretty popular name in Bali.


bali beach

What does this name imply, and what does it have to do with families in Bali? This will be covered in this article.


Bali, an exotic Indonesian island, is well-known for its natural beauty, rich culture, and magnificent arts. But also because of its distinct family structure. In Balinese culture, the family is extremely important in people's lives. Furthermore, uncommon names like Putu, Kadek, Komang, and Ketut offer a distinct charm to the Balinese family history.

bali tanah lot
Source from Canva


Family in Bali: The Foundation of Society

Family is regarded as the most important foundation of society in Bali. Each member of the family has their own set of roles and obligations. The family's honor was closely maintained, and the importance of keeping the family's good name was emphasized. This robust and mutually supporting family system permits the Balinese to remain united even when times and modernization change.


bali dancer
Source from Canva

The Meanings of Putu, Kadek, Komang, and Ketut

Putu, Kadek, Komang, and Ketut are some of the more unusual names used by Balinese people. These are not personal names, but rather nicknames that show the sequence of birth of the family's offspring.

  1.      Putu: The first child, both males and girls, is usually given this name. Putu is frequently connected with the birth of a king's or leader's child since it is considered to imply "first gift" or "precious."
  2. .    Kadek: A nickname for the family's second child. This name translates as "second" or "next to".
  3.       Komang: Used for the family's third child. This name implies "next" or "continuation".
  4.       Ketut: Used for the family's youngest or fourth child. This name means "last" or "final".

The use of these names helps to eliminate confusion about family member birth order, especially in big households with several children.

Bali's Family System

Bali's family system has various characteristics:

  • Gotong Royong (cooperation): Gotong royong spirit is one of the pillars of Balinese civilization. Families support one another in all parts of life, including traditional celebrations, religious rites, and dealing with problems.
  • Family House (Kosala-Kosali): A unique dwelling arrangement is part of Balinese tradition. Large families typically reside in a house complex comprised of numerous structures, with specific rules governing which parts are occupied by which family members.
bali family
Source from Canva

  • Inheritance Rights: Inheritance rights are very significant in the Balinese family system. Family property or property is passed down from generation to generation, and family members are expected to preserve and carry on this legacy.
  • Respect for Ancestors: Ancestor worship is a significant aspect of Bali's religious life. Every family has a place of worship for their ancestors (sanggah). In their honor, regular offerings and prayers are made.
bali canang
Balinese offerings, source from Canva

  • Unity in the Ceremony: Traditional and religious ceremonies are an important aspect of Balinese culture. This event brings the entire family together to enhance family relationships.
  • Roles of Men and Women: The patriarchal structure still remains in Balinese culture, with men dominating in many ways, while women play a vital part in family and communal life.


bali man and woman
Source from Canva

Although modernization and urbanization have changed the way of life in Bali, the family traditions and values that are rooted in their culture are still passionately held by the locals. Maintaining the strong family culture on this lovely island requires striking a balance between respecting tradition and embracing progress.


bali melasti
Source from Canva

So, welcome to my blog, and let's go on an adventure together on this lovely and mystical island of Bali!


  1. Seneng deh, mampir sini. Jadi nambah banyak wawasan tentang Bali. Kalau soal arti nama itu aku udah tau sejak SD sih dari temen

  2. Hi, Sis Putu. Firstable, dulu sempat confuse sih sama urutan nama-nama Bali itu. Tapi, kalo Gede itu sama kayak second child bukan sih, kak? Hehe..

    Sebagai warga pendatang tapi udah jadi warga Bali sih, Bali jadi tempat tinggal yg nyaman, apalagi wisata pantainya yg ga abis², bikin pengen mantai terus.

    Dan segala bentuk ceremony-nya itu loh yg bikin ciri khas, hihihi..

  3. Senang sekali bisa tinggal di Bali ya, Mbak Feli. Jadi bisa dekat kalau jalan-jalan. Mampir ke sini, bisa jadi mengenal tentang bali dan kearifan lokalnya. Semoga saya bisa segera mengunjungi Bali, Mbak.

  4. suka sekali dengan keunikan adat istiadat di bali. saya jadi kangen mau ke bali lagi kak.. setahun ini dua kali ke bali untuk kerja aja. pengen liburan juga sesekali haha

  5. Kalau anak kelima dan seterusnya nggak ada namanya ya kak? Apakah memang orang bali rata2 anaknya empat?

  6. Akhirnya tahu juga arti dari putu, kadek, komang, dan ketut. Tapi kalau misalnya anaknya lebih dari 4 gimana Kak?

  7. Ketut dan Putu udah akrab banget di telinga ku yang menjelaskan kalau orang tersebut berasal dari bali. Tapi kalau Kadek dan Komang, baru dengar sih.. Unik ya mbak Bali. Jadi pengen tau banyak tentang Budaya dan wisatanya. Hehe

  8. Waktu sekolah baik SMP maupun SMU daku punya temen dengan nama Bali, yaitu Ketut, Putu, dan Komang. Hanya yang Kadek belum ada, hehe.

  9. I had a pair of lecturers, they are a wife and a husband. The husband's name is Mr. Putu and the wife is Mrs. Made. Anyway, what about Gede, Gusti, etc? Such as I Gde, I Gusti ?

  10. Kirain dari sistem kasta, ternyata itu nama urutan anak ya. Teman kuliahku dulu namanya Kadek. That's mean kalau dia anak kedua ya

  11. Unik ya, baru tahu aku kakau nama juga menu jukkan urutan saudara. Tanteku namanya Putu, mungkin anak pertama ya..

  12. Krn kuliah di Bali, aku jg jd suka mempelajari kehidupan masyarakat Bali. Dulu msh bingung soal Putu, Kadek, Komang, Ketut ini. Apalagi ada jg yg dipake cwok, ada nama ini yg dipake cwek. Wah emg seru sih mempelajafi kehidupan masyarakat, ga terkecuali masyarakat Bali ini. Jd kangen tinggal lagi di Sanglah, Monang Maning ama Renon. Dulu tinggal di situ selama 5 tahun di Bali.

  13. Wah, senang mampir ke artikel ini
    Nggak hanya tahu arti nama nama di Bali, tapi juga bisa tahu beberapa hal tentang kebudayaan Bali

  14. saya baru tahu kalau putu, komang, Kadek dan ketut itu urutsan nama anak ya. Wahhh seru nih lebih tahu banyak soal bali. semoga bisa tahu lebih lagi soal bali di blog ini. next cerita tentang leak juga yaa, anak saya suka tuh sama seni leak dan barongnya

  15. Saya punya sodara dari Bali namanya Putu dan Ketut
    Keduanya cerdas semua di bidang pendidikan
    Semoga mereka sehat selalu

  16. Selamat atas blog barunya, kak Putu.
    Ikut senang dan semoga semakin banyak informasi seputar Bali yang bisa ditulis, sehingga semakin mencintai Bali, budaya, kesenian, wisata dan juga tak lupa, kuliner Bali.

  17. pengen tinggal di Bali. Rencana tahun 2024, semoga terlaksana. Bali is the best Island in the world, thanks ya. And salam kenal buat kamu.

  18. Dari nama-nama khas Bali ini jadi sekaligus tahu juga ya semisal dia anak ke berapa

  19. Saya sangat terkesan dengan nilai-nilai keluarga yang dijunjung tinggi oleh masyarakat Bali. Nilai-nilai tersebut, seperti gotong royong, rasa hormat terhadap leluhur, dan persatuan dalam upacara, sangat penting untuk menjaga keharmonisan keluarga dan masyarakat.


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