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Trying Rujak Bulung Boni and Tipat Cantok at Warung Dong Soka

Apart from suckling pig and betutu, tipat cantok and rujak are two famous Balinese foods. These foods are delicious and also do not contain pork or lard, so they are safe for people who do not consume pork.

review warung dong soka

This time, let’s take a look of tipat cantok and rujak in this article. Maybe you will love this food after trying it!

I remember that, in the past, the most delicious rujak stall was in an alley called Gang Kelinci. There is a big ditch in this alley. The stall stands in a ditch. At this stall, we can enjoy rujak, crackers, and various kinds of snacks.Unfortunately, Gang Kelinci no longer sells delicious rujak nowadays.

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I'm having a bit of difficulty finding rujak and tipat cantok stall. Then, one day, I found a small restaurant near my house. Out of curiosity, I tried going there.

Warung Dong Soka: A Place to Eat Traditional Food with a Modern Concept

We can see Warung Dong Soka clearly from its thatched roofs. The restaurant is using wooden furniture and the ventilation is good enough to make the atmosphere feel cool.

dong soka bali

It was relaxing to sit here, with enough light, and the place is also clean.

dong soka denpasar

Warung Dong Soka has a fairly modern concept with an open kitchen where we can see the process of making the food. Warung Dong Soka provides a variety of rujak, nasi campur, and traditional snacks such as godoh nangka (jackfruit dipped in flour batter and then fried).

dong soka menu

The price of the food menu starts at 10K rupiah, or around 0.66 USD.

Tipat Cantok

tipat cantok

Tipat cantok is similar to gado-gado. But tipat cantok always been made by mortar. Because of that, it is named 'cantok' or being grinded. Tipat cantok does not use additional chips or fried tofu. However, eating tipat cantok has its own impression. Usually, I add some noodle snack crumbs on top. But it's not available at this restaurant. So, I just eat it as is.

Rujak Bulung Boni: A Unique and Rare Menu

bulung boni

If you are bored with rujak buah, you can try Bulung Boni. Bulung boni, or what is known as grape seaweed, has a unique texture, much like fish eggs erupting in the mouth. The savory taste is further strengthened by the spicy seasoning combined with kuah pindang or sea fish broth and then topped with kacang mentik, kind of Balinese nuts.

bulung boni

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Es Gula: Signature Beverage from Rujak Stalls

Usually, rujak stalls have a recipe for making red syrup. I remember that there was a frambozen taste in my grandma's syrup. However, at Warung Dong Soka, the taste of the syrup is mixed with lime wedges, so there is a sweet and sour taste.

dong soka denpasar


Hanging out at Warung Rujak used to be an interesting form of entertainment as well as a place to socialize. Unfortunately, over time, people come to cafes more often or going online on social media.

dong soka denpasar

The presence of rujak stalls with modern concepts such as Warung Dong Soka can be an option when on vacation in Bali. Meanwhile, for those who have ever hung out at rujak stalls, this modern rujak stall can bring a bit of deja vu to Bali in the past.

Balinese Family:

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  1. eh, rujak? ini khas Bali berarti ya? jadi penasarann rasa rujak Bali gimana ya hihi bakal masuk list nih. next kalo ke Bali pengen cobain

  2. I like the ambiance of that restaurant.

    I was thinking that rujak bulung is fruit rujak. But it's really different with javanese rujak. While we can eat seaweed in rujak bulung. So unique!

  3. Warung Doang Soka vibesnya emang Bali banget yhaa. Kelihatan adem juga. Ohh udah open kitchen juga jadi kitab isa lihat proses masaknya. Penasaran Tipat Cantok yang hampir mirip Gado-gado, pas ke Bali ngga nyoba sii. Sama Rujang Bulung Boni yang aku kira awalnya rujak buah juga. Penisirinnn.

  4. I just found out there is rujak bali. I'm so curious to try it. Of course, Balinese rujak also has a distinctive taste from other rujaks. And that's right, when in Bali you can enjoy rujak safely, because it doesn't use pork or lard.

  5. Seger seger gini bikin perut Keroncongan kak. Sayang jauh cuma bisa baca sama lihat postingan kk aja gk bisa otw kesana buat icip icip langsung hihi.

  6. cantok itu tumbuk ya. Mungkin kalau di sini sesuatu yang ditumbuk namanya rujak be-bek (bukan bebek is duck). Tentunya kalau pakai bumbu khas Bali akan sesuatu lagi rasanya, penasaran

  7. Very cheap dishes for those menu. I like rujak and tipat cantok when i was studying few years ago in Denpasar. But i dont know exactly where's the location of Dong Soka. Near Denpasar? Maybe i could try those menu if i'm back to Denpasar again.

  8. I'm curious with rujak Bulung Boni taste. From your description about seasoning, it seems like suit my preference taste. Spicy and savory!

  9. Belum pernah nyicipin rujak Bulung Boni nih. Ini terbuat dari rumput laut ya? Cukup menarik nih. Penasaran gimana rasanya ketika masuk ke mulut.

  10. Pernah makan Tipat Cantok pas main ke salah satu pantai di dekat Canggu. Mirip gado-gado, tapi bukan gado-gado dan aku suka sih. Apalagi nikmatinnya di pinggir pantai. Nah, kapan-kapan mesti coba nih makan di warung Dong Soka.

  11. Balinese Rujak food whose seasonings are still pounded like this is a specialty and the taste is definitely delicious. If the main composition is vegetable, it can certainly be enjoyed by Muslim tourists too.

  12. Penasaran banget sama rasa Bulung Bonie, kayaknya enak banget tuh. Ada sensasi rasa seger-segernya gitu kayaknya.. Jadi ngiler deh..

  13. Asyik, sekarang kalo mau makan rujak atau tipat cantok tinggal cus aja ke warung dong soka yah, kak.

  14. Emm jadii ngiler malam malam membaca ulasan makanan. Setiap agama memiliki masakan yang tdk.jual. (gusti yeni)

  15. Wah, kuliner khas bali di sini unik unik ya
    Aku kok penasaran sama rujak Bali

  16. Ya Allah bikin ngilerpengen mampir kalau ada kesempatan ke Bali. Tempatnya menyenangkan sekali biat nongkrong2 cantik bersama pasangan. (Gusti yeni)

  17. Is tipat means ketupat? Just heard about grape seaweed rujak hihi, curious to try it, is it available outside Bali?

  18. Saya belum pernah mencoba rujak Bulung Boni sebelumnya. Apakah makanan ini menggunakan rumput laut sebagai salah satu bahan utamanya? Terdengar menarik. Saya sangat ingin tahu bagaimana rasanya saat pertama kali mencicipinya.

  19. Dinikmati tengah hari cocok banget nih. Bikin ngantuk hilang, semangat kembali datang
    Penasaran nih pengen mencoba jadinya
    Gak terlalu pedas tapi ya

  20. Rujak Bulung Boni, terlihat sangat menarik untuk dicoba ketika lagi ke Bali. Terimakasih saran kulinernya ya.

  21. Rujak bali ini khas ya mba
    Rasanya otentik
    Semoga aku pas ke bali nanti bisa cobain rujak inj

  22. melihat foto tipat cantok jadi pengen gado-gado atau rujak cingur, duh ngiler sama bumbu kacangnya


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