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Tips for Your Summer Holiday in Bali

This October, Bali is very hot. If you happen to be on holiday in Bali, there may not be many activities to do during the day. If you're not careful, you could get a heat stroke.

bali beach
Source: Canva

But don't worry; this time, I will share a story about spending time in Bali during the dry season, which may be as hot as summer in your country.

Going to the waterfall may not be the right option right now. Considering this is the dry season, most waterfalls will probably look drier than usual.

If you stay in Denpasar, try to visit:

Museum Bali

Alternatively, you can go to several tourist villages in Bali. Apart from enjoying views of the rice fields, several tourist villages also have cafes and restaurants where you can relax while enjoying food and drinks.

bali restaurant
A view on Warung Lohji, Blahkiuh source: personal collection

Going to the beach can also be the right choice. But once again, you have to choose a time when the sun's rays don't sting too much.

In the morning, around 06.00-09.00 WITA (06.00-09.00 AM) could be the right time. Apart from playing on the beach, you can enjoy the sunrise on the beaches to the east, for example, the beaches in the Sanur area.

In the afternoon, after 16.00 WITA (04.00 PM), it will be nice to enjoy the afternoon sun. If you are lucky, you can see the sunset in a clear sky.

bali sunset
A view at Double Six, photo: personal collection

While on holiday, don't forget to try some cold desserts that are suitable for summer.

Green coconut ice is usually a favorite drink. But apart from that, there are several types of traditional drinks. One of them is daluman ice.

Daluman ice, which looks like green jelly, is made using the juice of Cylea barbata Miers leaves, or in Indonesian, cincau hijau.

es daluman
Source: Luthfi Hinelo/Youtube

Cincau hijau has benefits for keeping digestion working well. The sugar compounds in cincau hijau are able to treat stomach aches; cincau hijau also contains alkaloid compounds, vitamin B and vitamin C, which can treat diarrhea if consumed three times a day regularly.

You can enjoy this special jelly with coconut milk, brown sugar syrup, and refreshing cold ice.


es daluman
Source: Tribun Bali

Apart from daluman ice, a refreshing dessert is es campur (mixed ice).

es campur
Source: Canva

There are various types of es campur. However, usually, es campur contains tapai (fermented cassava), pearl sago, black grass jelly, kolang kaling, jackfruit, and occasionally seaweed.

es campur
Source: Mattkidding/Youtube

This ice is very refreshing to enjoy on a hot day. Especially if you have just enjoyed spicy dishes like rujak.

You can enjoy rujak on this place:

Warung Dong Soka


I hope this information can help you spend a pleasant time during the summer in Bali. Don't forget to wear your sunscreen when going outside, and have a nice holiday!



  1. Liburan pas musim kemarau memang nggak khawatir kalau langit jadi gelap, tapi konsekuensinya kita harus tahan panas. Air terjun juga kalau musim kemarau khawatir nggak terlalu banyak airnya.

  2. es campur, menggoda sekali ya apalagi pas dinikmati panas - panas pas liburan, enak.

  3. Bali is one of the most recommended place to go to during summer holiday. Beaches, sand and sea, watersports are all you need. Enjoying es cincau or es campur while staring at the waves will bring you another level of happiness :)

  4. Sama nih. Di Surabaya juga kala cuaca panas yang saya cari adalah es cincau, es campur, sop buah. Kalau di Jogja ya rujak es krim. Makasi referensinya. Jadi tau tempat rekomendasi es-esan di Bali yang enak.

  5. musim panas ini bikin mager banget, jadi pengennya sante sante sambil minum es kaya dipoto, aaah bikin pengen ke sana

  6. Holiday pas summer di Bali adalah pilihan terbaik ya kak
    Puas menikmati kecantikan pantai di Bali

  7. Visiting Bali really giving me difference experience. Enjoying the Bali Museum in which rich of culture. Of course, enjoying some food when in Bali is also the best experience

  8. Itu seperti es cau kalau di tempat saya. Di musim kemarau gini paling seger emang minum di siang hari.

  9. Bali memang kota yg indah.
    Jadi pngn kesana lagi, rasanya 3hari kurang kak.
    Orangnya ramah2 lagi, betah disana.

  10. Lagi musim panas gini emang cocok banget buat liburan dg suguhan minuman yang menyegarkan. Saya jadi kangen es cincau nih. Udah lama banget gaj menikmatinya.

  11. thank you for the recommendation! anyaway, kangen banget bali. terakhir ke sana pas SMA :') semoga bisa ke sana as soon as possible untuk liburan bareng keluarga

  12. 'Mohon maaf banget bila komentarnya bahasa indonesia

    Salah satu waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi bali adalah ketika waktu musim semi atau musim panas, selain karena adanya angin berhembus yang semakin menyegarkan tentu cuaca cerah akan memberikan suasana yang lebih indah apalagi bila di waktu malam

  13. Pantai di Bali selalu jadi data tarik utama bagiku. Pagi hari ataupun sore hari sangat tepat utk ke pantai di musim kemarau ini ya.. BTW, foto2 es nya sangaaat menggugah selera!

  14. OMG looking at the cincau drink, it's so refreshing and good. The temperature, here, in Bandung so hot, I think it's almost the same. I really miss Bali so much. Hope I could come and visit you there.

  15. Paling suka dari Bali itu ialah mereka nggak tergusur oleh modernisasi yang sampai menghilangkan jati dirinya, semoga tahun depan kesampaian ke sini

  16. sy juga memilih bali untuk acara liburan bersama anak2.. kebetulan tempo hari dekat dengan perayaan 17-an di bali, jadi semarak sekali, banyak umbul2 dan yang seperti janur kuning gitu (lupa namanya xD)

  17. Warung Lohji menarik banget, berasa adem kala nyeruput santai sambil makan di sana, ya kak? Akhirnya ketika di Denpasar bisa nemukan tempat makan rekomended ini.

  18. Bali memang keindahannya yang tiada dua sih. Lebih2 makin bnyak wisatawan lokal bahkan turis yang senang mengunjunginya, tentu jadi tempat favorit bgi semua org yaah

  19. Bali stands out as an ideal destination for a summer vacation, highly recommended for its stunning beaches, sandy shores, and a variety of water sports activities.

  20. belum pernah ke Bali euy dan selama ini yang kutahu tentang Bali cuma pantainya dan ternyata ada museumnya juga ya yang wajib untuk dikunjungi

  21. Jadi kangen banget liburan ke Bali soalnya waktu itu belum semua sisi disinggahi

  22. sambil melihat pantai, menikmati suasana indah menunggu matahari terbenam seruput cincau deh, niqmat

  23. Of all the desserts, I am really looking forward to a refreshing cold drink when the weather is hot…

  24. It's a must to spend time on the beach when in Bali. While you're in Bali, right?
    If you're feeling parched and thirsty, there are plenty of cold Balinese drinks you can order.
    This is heaven...

  25. Bagi saya, jalan-jalan memang lebih senang kalau pas musim kemarau. Gak usah takut kehujanan, jadi bisa puas mengunjungi destinasinya. Kalo soaal panas, tinggal pakai topi dan sunscreen.

  26. tipsnya pastinya bermanfaat banget niy mba, apalagi buat yang baru pertama pergi ke Bali, pasti sangat bermanfaat sekali


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